Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Winter Doldrums

So it's been exactly one week since I last posted. I laid down about 11 miles total last week, including a 4 miler that went better than expected. However, I have come down with a shin splint in my right calf which is affecting me motivation. I don't want it to become an excuse, but I also don't want to injure myself further. I guess I just proceed with caution.

On the other side of the coin has been my "diet," which hasn't been going so well. I'm keeping the weight off that I've lost so far for the most part, but I'm just hungry all the time when I limit myself to under 2,000 calories. On top of that, on nights where I go to the gym I have less time to just be at home relaxing. This leads to laziness when it comes to cooking, and it also leads to the weekends being a chance to kick it and have some beers.

The end result? Take out food and hangovers getting in the way of my program. I'm fine with this for the time being, but I think I am going to have to buckle down come springtime. I think if I have a race to prepare it will be easier to get serious.

On that note, I'm looking for a 5k in February to get my 2010 season underway. I know it will still be really cold, and snow could be a factor, but I need a goal to reach for even if it is a smaller one. Beyond that, I absolutely need to change out the music on my iPod. I need fresh running tunes and a couple of playlists for different moods. Live Phish can go a long way, but it needs a lot of supporting cast to go with it. Hoping to make this a project for the weekend.

Finally, I have modest goals for this week. 4 miles tonight, cross-training tomorrow, 5 miles on saturday. Weight goal is to get below 210 by Monday next week. Current weight: 213.4 lbs.

- Joe

Twitter: @Run_Bike_Paddle

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